
Listen to your body


By Jocelyne F. Lafrenière

Taking care of yourself is a key pillar for reaching new heights of wellness and creating your best life. With more energy and vitality, it is much easier to manifest your desires and experience life to the fullest. Caring for yourself starts with recognizing that you are a person of value who deserves a happy and healthy life.

What you give to your body today, your body will give back to you tomorrow. Being kind to your body involves choosing power food and getting enough exercise, rest, and play. It also means listening to what your body is telling you.

Your body comes with an alert system, telling you when something is amiss and needs your attention. Physical signals may include a lack of energy, pain, tight muscles, shaking hands, memory lapse, a lack of concentration, inflammation, skin redness, splitting headaches, and dizziness.

Unfortunately, there are far too many people who simply ignore their alert system. Some people have the notion that they are invincible, and they believe that by denying their symptoms, their sickness will go away. Young people are generally very good at the denial game, thinking that sickness is for older people. Others are so busy tending to their work that taking care of their health is not on their priority list.

Creating your best life involves caring physically, emotionally, and spiritually for yourself. Like the old saying goes, “You cannot give what you do not have.” You cannot be energetic without caring for yourself. You deserve nothing less than a wonderful and healthy life. Therefore, take charge today and listen to your body!

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Listen to your body

September 15, 2023

By Jocelyne F. Lafrenière

Taking care of yourself is a key pillar for reaching new heights of wellness and creating your best life. With more energy and vitality, it is much easier to manifest your desires and experience life to the fullest. Caring for yourself starts with recognizing that you are a person of value who deserves a happy and healthy life.

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