
Fitness is an everyday choice.

Body Fitness


Brain Fitness

Eat a Balanced Diet

While eating a perfectly balanced diet is difficult, aim for the following ratios: 20-35% calories from fat, 10-35% from protein, and 45-65% from carbohydrates.  For a woman, this translates to 7-8 portions of vegetables, 6-7 portions of grains, 2 portions of milk and alternatives, and 2 portions of meat. A man needs to add an extra portion of vegetables, grains, and proteins.


Eat Brain Healthy Food

As backed by several research studies, it is good to add some brain healthy food to your diet such as bananas, red berries, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, cranberries, eggs, chicken, lamb, broccoli, spinach, cucumber, asparagus, sweet potatoes, artichokes, tomatoes, sesame seeds, nuts, oats, quinoa, and cold water fish like salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel, and tuna.

Add Some Fiber

Make sure your diet contains plenty of fiber to prevent cancer, and lower your blood sugar and cholesterol. Fiber is found in whole wheat bread and pasta, oatmeal, barley, legumes, avocados, pears, artichokes, apples, raspberries, broccoli, and almonds. Consider a probiotic supplement to boost good gut bacteria, especially when you take antibiotics as the later are known to kill both good and bad bacteria.


Eat Mercury-Free Fish

If you don’t like fish, take a fish-based Omega-3 fatty acid supplement for higher brain performance. Fish is rich in docosahexaenonic acid (DHA), and it has been reported as a brain protector. In addition, it is a cognitive enhancer. It is touted to reduce inflammation, and it may help in cases of fatigue and depression. Inquire on a mercury-free brand with no aftertaste. It can easily be found in health food stores.

Get Into a Fitness Routine

Exercising three to four times a week makes all the difference in the world in keeping your body strong and your mind fit. As you exercise, your body releases endorphins and your energy level increases. It is important to mix up your workouts with exercises that increase blood flow and build strength, balance, and flexibility. Kick-boxing, cardio exercises and cycling workouts, playing tennis, climbing stairs, and running keep your heart pumping. Running and lifting weights build endurance and strength. Tai chi is known to provide good balance. Pilates and stretches increase your flexibility.

Measure Your Progress

Don’t worry about the scale going up when you exercise. Exercise builds muscle, and muscles weigh more than fat. Monitor your progress with a combination of tracking your weight, body fat percentage, and body measurements. Taking pictures and keeping a journal are also great to add to your monitoring tools. 

Breath to Easily Relax

Breathing exercises are great for stress management. They can be done anywhere and anytime. Three deep breaths is all it takes to bring your shoulders down and let your brain relax and calm down.

Get Into Facial Exercises

Tired of sagging skin? Facial exercise is a natural way to have a face lift. It strengthens cheek, under-eye, and chin muscles, and helps in smoothing out wrinkles on the upper lip, in reducing jowls, scowl lines, and lines on the bridge of the nose, and in filling out hollows in the lower cheeks.

Stretch to Reduce Body Strain

Stretching gently is a great way to gain more flexibility. It takes just a few minutes in the morning and in the evening. Neck and back stretches in the evening are great relaxation techniques, especially for those who work long hours at a computer, lift heavy equipment, or stand up for several hours in a row.


Sprinkle Flaxseed on Your Cereals

Fatty acid Omega-3 is a three member family: alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), and DHA. Flaxseed contains ALA, and your liver has the ability to transform a small amount of it into EPA and DHA. In addition, a study has shown flaxseed’s ability to reduce hot flashes.

Take a Multi-Vitamin

If you are not into fruits and vegetables, take a multi-vitamin each day that contains folic acid and antioxidant vitamins C and E, as well as vitamins B6 (niacin) and B12 reported as important nutrients for nerve cell development, cognitive health, and neuron protection.

Say Yes to Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids known to improve cognitive abilities. In addition, studies show it may protect your heart against stroke.

Spice it Up

Turmeric, sage as well as onions and garlic are full of antioxidants and great for improving memory and cognitive performance.

Get into Juicing

If you don’t like eating fruits and vegetables, drink them. Get into juicing, and make sure to add a few dark leafy greens. Don’t forget to add a cucumber and a few strawberries as they contain fisetin, an antioxidant known to improve memory.

Use a Speaker Phone

Some sources of information report that long term cell phone use may cause brain damage. As we await further studies, play it safe and use a speaker phone or limit your phone time. Carry your phone in your purse rather than in your pocket. 

Get Sunlight

Two hours of sunlight per day is great for increasing melatonin which in turn makes you feel better. Go for a walk during the day if you do not have easy access to sunlight.










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