Training And Conferences

Our mission is to pass on body, mind, and soul knowledge to inspire you to make healthy life choices as you journey towards wellness. The JFL Youthfulness lifestyle will not only transform your mind and body, but it will bring more inner well-being, joy, and peace into your life.

Let us show you how to climb to new heights of fitness, vitality, and wellness.


Get Into Action - Transform your fitness vision into reality
Boost Your Brain Power - Eat well for maximum brain performance
Diet No More - Managing weight while eating your favorite food
Healthy Living - Create a fit and feeling fabulous life


Hello Life - Favorite tips for better health and more energy
Reality or Myth - Create work-life balance
Victory Over Addictions - Change unhealthy behaviors 
Go Green - Protect yourself from environmental hazards


Say No to Fear - Master fear, a creation of your thoughts
A Journey to Well-Being - Triumph from emotional pain
The Courage to Go On - Handling life’s disappointments
It’s Your Time - Learn to relax and live in the moment
Cultivate Self-Love - Love the wonderful being that you are
Celebrate Life - Be grateful for all that you are and have


Be inspired by our passion for life!

We are also available for public speaking events, radio and TV shows, and media interviews.

Please contact us by completing the fields on the Contact Us page.

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Are you tired of your life and looking for a change?

November 4, 2023

By Jocelyne F. Lafrenière

Are you tired of your life and looking for a change? Unfortunately many people wish their life would be different, but they do not engage in the change process. Sadly, they keep waiting for change to happen by itself. As they wait day after day, with nothing happening, they just think that life is rigged against them. The best way for change to happen in your life is for you to create it.

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Choose life! Choose body, mind, and soul fitness!

October 4, 2023

By Jocelyne F. Lafrenière

How many times have you said to yourself “I wish there were more than twenty-four hours in a day.” ? On average, working men and women spend eight hours sleeping, eight at work and five on domestic activities (cooking, eating, cleaning, caring for the kids, etc.), leaving them with only two hours of so called “free time” during weekdays.


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Listen to your body

September 15, 2023

By Jocelyne F. Lafrenière

Taking care of yourself is a key pillar for reaching new heights of wellness and creating your best life. With more energy and vitality, it is much easier to manifest your desires and experience life to the fullest. Caring for yourself starts with recognizing that you are a person of value who deserves a happy and healthy life.

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