By Jocelyne F. Lafrenière
Are you tired of your life and looking for a change? Unfortunately many people wish their life would be different, but they do not engage in the change process. Sadly, they keep waiting for change to happen by itself. As they wait day after day, with nothing happening, they just think that life is rigged against them. The best way for change to happen in your life is for you to create it. The good news is that you have the power to create your best life. In following these five easy steps, you will transform yourself into a visionary and a change instigator.
Firstly, decide where you want to go. If you do not know your destination, it is likely that you will turn in circles and go nowhere. Take a sheet of paper or your computer, and start writing down your desires. Reflect on each area of your life: physical, spiritual, professional, financial, relationships, personal time, environment, and life legacy.
Secondly, express your desires with the W.D. factor, meaning express your wants with detachment. In doing so, you focus on the outcome you want to achieve, and you allow the universe to surprise you. For example, rather than writing “I want John as my husband and want to work in company ABC”, express your desires as “I want true companionship and a fulfilling career”.
Thirdly, design the hows for each of your desires. Simply put, your hows are your goals which require actions from you. As you set your goals, you give momentum to the change process. For example, your relationship and career goals may be to get involved in community events each month and send your resume to five different companies.
Fourthly, you need to determine how to achieve your goals. Goals simply remain wishes or ideas until you have an inspired game plan to get to where you want to be. Having a roadmap with answers to the what, who, when and how questions is a key component of the change process. A strategy will get you successfully to your destination in less time.
Lastly, start walking to your destination one step at a time. Winning comes with action. As you stay focused and engaged, you direct your energy to the achievement of your desires, and you know that you will soon get to your destination. If you hit roadblocks, choose other paths to travel. If one plan fails, prepare another plan. If one door closes, open another. Remember, as your journey through life, your hows may change but your desires remain the same unless you choose otherwise. Nothing can stop you other than yourself.