Stop Dieting
Looking for a more svelte physique? Stop dieting and get into a balanced nutritional program. A 1,200 calories daily meal plan should lead an adult woman to a one pound per week weight loss and keep you from starving. This means a 50 pound weight loss at the end of the year, so there is no need for more drastic calorie reduction. Men should aim for 1,800 calories per day for a similar weight loss. Always hungry? Green coffee is a good appetite reducer, and it does not interfere with your sleep.
Eat Five to Six Times per Day
Eating small meals five to six times per day makes all the difference in keeping you energized during the day. Eat healthy food that you love to strengthen your commitment to your nutritional program. Buy a food calorie book to help you count your daily calories. While some people may have no difficulty completely eliminating processed food, others may struggle. It is preferable not to allow more than 100 – 150 calories per day from processed food and food with less nutritional value. In addition, find other options than food to reward yourself: go shopping, get a massage or pedicure, call a friend or go see a movie.
Drink Water
Being dehydrated is often the cause of lack of concentration and dry skin. Dividing your weight by two will give you how many ounces of water to drink each day. A 110 pound woman needs 55 ounces of water or seven large glasses. If you like to carry water in a plastic bottle, make sure to use bisphenol A (BPA) free bottles. BPA is reported to be an endocrine disruptor linked to several illnesses, from breast cancer to sexual dysfunction.
Unwind Your Mind
Take mini “me” time during the day where you take a few deep breaths and stretches. Many report that meditation enhances your well-being. Not only does it reduce your stress but it rejuvenates your whole body. Add lavender scent to your room to calm your mind.
Throw Away Your Cigarettes
Quitting smoking is not easy to do, especially when seen as a pleasure. According to the American Lung Association, there are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, they create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous. If you can’t win the smoking battle, consider seeing an NLP practitioner to help you modify your behavior. Some people also have great results with hypnotism.
Add More Zzz Sleep Into your Life
Sleep deprivation compromises your immune system and as a result, it opens the door to various ailments. It also affects your mood and ability to concentrate during the day. If you find yourself unable to fall asleep, consider adding some relaxation time during the evening. Take a bath, read a book, go for a walk, do breathing exercises, or meditate. Avoid sleeping aids; they make you feel drowsy and sleepy the next morning. Waking up and going to bed at the same time each day helps in developing a healthy sleep routine.
Do a Detox Cleanse
While not scientifically proven, detox cleansing is reported to help in the elimination of body toxins. Some other reported benefits include increased energy, glowing skin, and less bloating. You may opt for a one to two week cleansing program, once or twice a year, or for green detox daily supplements. Cleansing kits and detox supplements can be found in natural health food stores. Talk to your doctor first to consider any possible side effects.
Energize Your Body
Still feeling without energy? Perhaps you are subject to energy blockages. Several techniques may provide the sought after vitality, namely acupuncture, polarity, reflexology, the Trame, harmonization, EFT, reiki, and energy restructuring. Many of these techniques are offered by naturopaths.
Prevent Diseases With Antioxidants
Antioxidants are reported to prevent cancer and Alzheimer's. Manganese, selenium and zinc are great antioxidant minerals to look for in your multi-vitamin. Consider an antioxidant supplement like Coenzyme Q10 or reishi mushroom.
Lighten Your Immune System
If you suffer from joint or other types of inflammation, consult a doctor. Perhaps you suffer from food allergies. Common allergens representing 90% of food allergic reactions include: wheat, gluten, eggs, milk, peanut, soy, fish, and shellfish.
Shake it Up
If you are on the low side in your protein consumption, add a protein shake to your daily meal plan, rich in antioxidant amino acids like L-carnosine, N-acetyl cysteine, and L-taurine.
Drink Two Cups of Coffee a Day
If you love coffee, then you will be pleased to hear that coffee contains antioxidants that provide neuron protection. Other benefits attributed to coffee include: brain improvement, increase in longevity, slowdown of Alzheimer progression, and reduction of Parkinson disease's symptoms and skin cancer in women. Pesticide free green tea is also known to boost immunity and lower blood pressure. Steep your tea for a few minutes for higher antioxidant content.
Wash Your Veggies
More and more fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products, and tea are tainted with pesticides and toxic residues that contaminate your body. Organic produce can reduce the risk of digestive system cancer and possibly other cancers. If organic food is not an option for you, then buy soap for cleaning fruit and vegetables in a health food store. Make sure to thoroughly wash your fruits and vegetables.
Go Easy on Meats
While red meat contains minerals, some B vitamins, and the powerful antioxidant lipoic acid, the American Institute for Cancer Research and World Cancer Research Fund revealed that red meat intake increases the risk of colorectal cancer. Red meat once a week is plenty. In addition, if you are a BBQ lover, choose leaner meats as flames create smoke that leads to the formation of carcinogens. According to a University of Minnesota study, done or charred meat may increase your risk of pancreatic cancer by up to 60%. Eggs, fish, pasta dishes, legumes, nuts seeds, soy, grains, and dairy products are great protein alternatives.
Choose Non-Toxic Household Products
Look for personal care and household products that contain less toxic ingredients. More and more products are advertised as being “green” with no toxic agents.
Use BPA Free Products in Your Microwave
If you are cooking with a microwave, make sure your containers are BPA or phthalates free.
Wear Sunscreen
While ten minutes of sun exposure is beneficial, over sun exposure is to be avoided. Wear sunscreen when outside and avoid sun tan booths to protect yourself from skin cancer and avoid premature skin aging.
Be More Active Under the Blankets
An active sex life is reported to reduce stress, release endorphins, and give a healthy glow and a more toned body. In addition, an active sex life is touted to lower risk of heart disease and increase life expectancy. Simply put, it is a great way to bring more vitality into your life.
Scrub Well
Skin scrubbing is great for removing dead or dry skin. It gives your skin a healthy glow and helps in reducing dark spots. Use gentle face and body scrubs daily. Be sure to follow the instructions very well. Floss at least once a day for protection against oral bacteria.