Think Good Feeling Thoughts
Keep yourself focused on good feeling thoughts, and in no time you will climb to new heights of well-being. As you feel more positive emotions, you offer higher vibrations of energy which in turn move you to take positive actions, and get you excited for what is to come. Read positive affirmations, practice visualization, listen to inspiring messages, and sing in the shower or the car. These are all good ways to fill your heart with happiness.
Activate Your Dream Power
Desires of your heart are yours to realize and fully enjoy. These desires are the sparks that give you energy in the morning, and move you into action. Dare to think big and from a place of abundance that reflects your true nature. Let your friends know about your dreams; they may well join you in making them a reality.
Live in the Moment
Stop for a moment, take a few deep breaths and observe what is happening around you. What sounds do you hear? What do you see? What do you smell? Mindfulness calms you down, and it gets you to focus on the beauty of today. Be inspired by this prayer from a Course in Miracles: “Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say? And to whom?" You can also start the prayer with: “I trust in you, All-That-Is.": and end it with: “I thank you for today.”
Don’t Stop Learning
Be willing to learn, grow, and become the best you can be. Life is all about expansion. Learn to dance or cook, and practice a new sport or hobby. Read a book, and take a class to hone your skills. Stay informed, and open yourself to new possibilities. Make your life fun!
Say No to Fear, a Creation of the Mind
While fear can be a legitimate and healthy emotion alerting you to imminent danger, it is often a creation of your mind of a non-existent danger. It is important to recognize the nature and cause of your fear, and how it affects your life. If no real danger is in sight, change your thoughts and attitude about the situation. As you engage in mastering your fears with small actions and renewed thoughts, you will soon achieve freedom from its grip.
Reprogram Your Beliefs
Dysfunctional beliefs are often linked to negative emotions you have experienced in the past. They clutter your subconscious mind, and they keep you from the great life you deserve. Not only do they damage your life, relationships, and finances, they hinder you from becoming all that you can be. If you don’t like what you have created in your life, dig deeper into your beliefs to see if they are well aligned with your desires. You may find all sorts of limited beliefs that hinder positive changes to take place in your life. While past beliefs can’t be removed, you can create new ones using different techniques: positive affirmations, visualization, self-talk, subliminal messages, self-hypnosis, and hypnosis.
Rise Above Obstacles
Challenges are channels for you to realize all that you are as they bring about hope, self-confidence, determination, tenacity, engagement, and resilience. They are opportunities for your creativity to emerge. In addition, they teach you what works and doesn't work. They may hold messages about a faster or better path ahead. Stay strong and motivated; you have all that it takes to handle life’s obstacles.
Cultivate Self-Love
Loving yourself is honoring all that you are, with your body, soul, and spirit. It is a celebration of yourself and your life. In doing so, you are telling the world that you are a beautiful human being and worthy of love, and you invite others to do the same.
Build Your Self-Confidence
Celebrating small and big wins is a great way to build self-confidence. With self-confidence come positive emotions that move you forward. Believing in yourself is a powerful choice that allows you to accomplish great things and achieve success.
Cultivate Love and Peace
Be a light of love and peace. Love is the greatest legacy of all as it nourishes the soul of those who receive it. It gives life and warmth, and comes with beautiful moments that live on in our hearts forever.
Live With a Grateful Heart
Live from a place of higher gratefulness. Appreciate life, the present moment, who you are, your family, friends, and all there is.
Forgive for More Freedom
Forgiveness means that you see the other person’s bruises, and you choose to cover them with love. From a place of love and understanding, you choose to forgive and release your anger. As you forgive, you make more space in your heart for well-being.
Bye-bye Emotional Pain
Emotional pain can be quite debilitating. Sometimes the storms of life can eclipse your inner joy. Learn to celebrate your successes and the small joys of life. Take care of yourself, be grateful for what you have, read inspiring books, forgive your shortcomings, and do whatever makes you feel good. Become your greatest companion. As you love and forgive yourself and others, you will experience more well-being. Consider consulting a therapist or an NLP or EFT practitioner, if needed.
Live With Detachment
As you live with detachment, you give freedom to your mind to explore different paths. If you face roadblocks, choose other paths to travel, and get to where you want to be. If one plan fails, you can prepare another one. If one door closes, you can open another.
Laugh it Out
Laughing is known for being the best medicine. It elevates your mood, releases tension, increases blood flow, and helps lower blood pressure. It is also known to increase the response of tumor and disease-killing cells. If you are plagued by sickness, add some fun movies to your recovery program.
Connect to All-That-Is
You are part of this beautifully organized universe, and you are connected to the powerful life force and organizing power that sustains it all. As you delve into this reality, you will experience well-being every day.
Get Involved in the Community
There is no better way to eliminate feelings of abandonment than getting involved in the community and serving others. As you serve others, you reconnect with yourself and know that we are all inter-connected.